Can Cannabinoids Help People Wean Off Opioids?
Doctors desperately need tools to battle the opioid epidemic, and they’re turning to cannabinoids for new ways to approach the problem of […]
Doctors desperately need tools to battle the opioid epidemic, and they’re turning to cannabinoids for new ways to approach the problem of […]
Despite the skewed messaging of the past suggesting that cannabis is a gateway drug or will lead to the use and abuse […]
Unfortunately, the same drugs with high potential for abuse are also the ones that work best for certain individuals with neurobehavioral conditions. […]
A long-term study on opioid addiction and cannabis use found little to no evidence that using cannabis can help addicts reduce or […]
A new study shows that highly processed foods can be as addictive as heroin, cocaine and nicotine, leading some health experts to […]
Americans say that cannabis is much less dangerous than opioids, alcohol, and cigarettes, according to a new survey conducted by the American […]
Studies and data have already confirmed that cannabis use, containing THC, tends to help people reduce or eliminate opioid use, generally for […]
Once again the gateway theory—the belief that cannabis use leads to other drugs, popularized about 40 years ago—is being crushed by new […]
Volunteer groups in Canada are providing relief to people struggling with addiction by giving away free marijuana and cannabis edibles as a […]
The use of cannabis by patients enrolled in a methadone maintenance treatment program is associated with fewer nonfatal…