September 30, 2022analysis, analytics, bad actors, batch, business, cannabinoid, cannabis, cbd, CEO, certificate of analysis, CGMP, claim, COA, compliance, composition, consumer, contents, CV Sciences, dietary, extraction, FDA, Federal, GMP, good manufacturing practices, government, growing, ID, identity, industry, ingredient, Joseph Dowling, lab, label, laboratories, laboratory, labs, law, legal, legalization, legalize, legislation, license, lot, marijuana, market, medical, medicine, number, packaging, potency, product, purity, Quality, regulation, regulations, regulatory, retail, safety, serving, size, state, strength, Testing, thc, unsubstantiated Bad Actors in CBD: How to Distinguish Quality Products From the Rest The success of reputable cannabis and CBD brands has inspired an influx of inexperienced and disreputable competitors in the market. These so-called […]