June 23, 2022ACS Labs, analysis, analytics, Aurum Labs, business, cannabis, cbd, CDPHE, certification, certified, colorado, Columbia Labs, compliance, Eurofins, Gobi Analytical, government, growing, hemp, industry, InfiniteCAL, Kaycha Labs, lab, laboratories, Laboratories & Analytics, laboratory, labs, law, legal, legalization, legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, medical, medicine, Minova Labs, panel, Pesticide, pesticides, product, Quality, RC - Cannabis Analysis, recreational, regulation, regulations, regulatory, retail, safety, SC Labs, state, test, Testing, thc CDPHE Certifies More Labs for Hemp Testing Aurum Labs, a cannabis testing laboratory based in Durango, Colorado, announced last week that they have become certified by the Colorado Department […]
September 3, 2021action, analysis, analytics, bottleneck, business, california, cannabis, cbd, CDPHE, colorado, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, compliance, compliant, Dillon Burns, GC-MS, GCMS, government, growing, heavy metals, hemp, industry, InfiniteCAL, instrument, instrumentation, lab, laboratories, Laboratories & Analytics, laboratory, labs, law, LC/ms, legal, legalization, license, limit, limit of quantification, LOQ, marijuana, market, method, Pesticide, pesticides, product, Quality, RC - Cannabis Analysis, regulation, regulatory, residual solvents, rollout, rule, safety, state, Supply Chain, test, Testing, thc Colorado to Bolster Hemp Testing Rules, Rollout Delayed Earlier this year, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) announced a plan to introduce new testing rules for the […]