September 24, 2022cannabis drinks, cbd, chef, Health, Herbacée, Jamie Evans, mixology, people, Recipes, The Herb Somm Drink to Your Health In California, it’s called Cali sober, but all over the world people are switching from alcohol to cannabis-infused beverages, purposefully doing away […]
January 6, 2022Aaron Green, add, additive, analysis, analytics, beverage, bite, business, california, candy, cannabis, cbd, chef, chemistry, compliance, consumer, culinary, date, dates, develop, development, edible, Edibles & Processing, emulsion, environment, extraction, formulation, fruit, government, growing, Happy Chance, industry, infuse, infused, ingredient, Iridium consulting, Kalon Baird, Katherine Knowlton, law, legal, legalization, legalize, legislation, license, licensee, marijuana, market, nano, niche, oil, organic, people, planet, product, Product Development, Quality, real, recreational, regulation, regulations, regulatory, retail, Santa Barbara, separate, Splash Nano, state, sugar, Sustainability, Technology, test, Testing, thc, upcycle, upcycled, water Leaders in Cannabis Formulations: Part 5 Natural cannabinoid distillates and isolates are hydrophobic oils and solids, meaning that they do not mix well with water and are poorly […]