March 13, 2023cannabis use, CBMPs, Chronic Illness, Great Britain, Health, medical cannabis, pain treatment, quality of life, Study, U.K. Study: Cannabis Linked With Higher Quality of Life in Chronic Illness Patients A new study out of Great Britain suggests that medical cannabis may lead to improvements in health-related quality of life among patients […]
March 13, 2021Chronic Illness, Health, News, Parkinson's Survey Finds A Quarter Of Parkinson’s Patients Have Used Cannabis In The Last Six Months Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder.
June 24, 2020Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, Health, IBS, News Study Shows IBS Patients Who Use Cannabis Spend Less Time In Hospital A recent study suggests that IBS patients who use cannabis have shorter hospital stays.
May 19, 2020Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, featured, Health My Relationship With Cannabis Is Changing—And That’s Okay A personal essay on woman’s evolving relationship with cannabis, her health, and her body.