Can Cannabinoids Help People Wean Off Opioids?
Doctors desperately need tools to battle the opioid epidemic, and they’re turning to cannabinoids for new ways to approach the problem of […]
Doctors desperately need tools to battle the opioid epidemic, and they’re turning to cannabinoids for new ways to approach the problem of […]
It’s no secret that cannabis can work as an alternative to other longstanding medicinal options as it pertains to curbing and treating […]
A recent Australian study involving over 2,300 individuals with chronic health conditions has revealed interesting improvements in their overall quality of life […]
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved a spending bill last Thursday that includes an amendment allowing the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) […]
Many cannabis advocates and consumers are already well aware of the many benefits of the plant, one being its potential to curb […]
After years of regular cannabis use, one writer decided to quit cold turkey for 30 days. You know, for science.
A recent study suggests that IBS patients who use cannabis have shorter hospital stays.
It took eight months, but Connecticut lawmakers have added chronic pain as a qualifying condition to use medical cannabis, which could significantly […]
A personal essay on woman’s evolving relationship with cannabis, her health, and her body.