October 26, 2021analysis, analytics, application, brand, business, Business Analysis, cannabis, cbd, compliance, cultivation, dispensary, enforce, enforcement, FDA, Federal, government, growing, hemp, industry, law, legal, legality, legalization, legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, mark, market, medical, medicine, office, patent, product, Product Development, protect, protection, Quality, recreational, register, registering, registration, registry, regulation, regulations, regulatory, reserve, retail, state, strategy, thc, trademark, United States Patent and Trademark Office, USDA, USPTO Registering Trademarks in the Cannabis Space As the legality and availability of hemp and non-hemp cannabis products continues to grow, having strong, recognizable brands will become increasingly important […]
June 20, 2020analysis, analytics, business, Business Analysis, california, cannabis, challenge, companies, compliance, contract, contracting, contractual, controlled substances act, court, courts, defense, enforce, Federal, government, illegal, industry, Invalidity, judicial, law, lawe, legal, legalization, legalize, legislation, license, marijuana, market, negotiation, plaintiff, regulation, regulations, regulatory, rights, schedule, state Cannabis Contracting: The Potential Invalidity Defense Created By Federal Prohibition The overwhelming majority of Americans now live in a state where cannabis is legal at the state level for at least some […]