May 19, 2020Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, featured, Health My Relationship With Cannabis Is Changing—And That’s Okay A personal essay on woman’s evolving relationship with cannabis, her health, and her body.
May 16, 2020Health, News, Public Health Cannabis Components to be Used in Potential COVID-19 Vaccine A vaccine component using a cannabis-based protein could be ready as soon as the end of August.
May 13, 2020Act, analysis, analytics, bank, banking, business, Business Analysis, cannabis, cash, cbd, committee, compliance, Congress, Coronavirus, COVID, COVID-19, credit, Federal, finance, financial, govern, government, Health, heath, HEROES, house, house of representatives, industry, institutions, invest, law, legal, legalization, legalize, legislation, license, loan, marijuana, market, medical, medicine, Pelosi, policy, product, Product Development, public, Quality, recreational, reform, regulation, regulations, regulators, regulatory, related, retail, risk, safe, safety, Secure and Fair Enforcement, senate, service, services, state, thc, The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, transparency SAFE Banking Act Included in COVID-19 Legislation Earlier today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi debuted the latest piece of legislation to help Americans impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The Health and […]
April 29, 2020Health, LGBTQ Do LGBTQ People Smoke Weed at Higher Rates than Straight People? A growing number of surveys and studies say yes.