December 7, 2022cannabis research, cbd, Congressional Cannabis Caucus, District of Columbia, Federal, marijuana reform, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, News, President Joe Biden Biden Signs Bill To Expand Medical Cannabis Research President Joe Biden added his signature last week to a bipartisan bill that seeks to broaden and streamline research into medical cannabis. […]
November 5, 2020Congress marijuana, Election 2020, Featured Marijuana Business & Cannabis Industry News, Marijuana Election News, Marijuana Industry Statistics, Data and Charts, marijuana legalization, marijuana reform, National Medical Cannabis Business & Marijuana Legal News, United States Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business News US marijuana reform leaders lower post-election expectations, including legalization hopes In the wake of yet another surprising electoral outcome – in which national Republicans are now favored to retain control of the […]
October 12, 2020Congress marijuana, Election 2020, Featured Marijuana Business & Cannabis Industry News, Marijuana Industry Statistics, Data and Charts, Marijuana Legalization and Regulatory News for Cannabis Businesses, marijuana reform, National Medical Cannabis Business & Marijuana Legal News, Recreational Marijuana News, United States Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business News With eye on election and beyond, marijuana industry spends millions on lobbying Lobbying for cannabis reform in the U.S. Congress has evolved from a fringe issue a decade ago to a political priority that, […]