Cannabis legalization wins could unite US lawmakers on reform, insiders say
Yesterday’s U.S. general election proved that cannabis legalization is popular across vastly different regions in the country as long as it makes […]
Yesterday’s U.S. general election proved that cannabis legalization is popular across vastly different regions in the country as long as it makes […]
The marijuana industry appeared headed for a clean sweep on Election Day, with voters approving new markets in Arizona, Mississippi, Montana, New […]
Marijuana Business Daily reporters and editors are providing live coverage of the 2020 general election, focusing on legalization ballot measures in five states […]
The outlook for marijuana legalization efforts in five states looks positive as voters head to the polls Tuesday, closing out an unusual […]
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants to legalize adult-use cannabis, but the state’s heavily restricted medical marijuana program could hamper those efforts. […]
Financial support for marijuana legalization, both medical and recreational, has grown significantly in 2020 compared to 2016. Proponents of state ballot measures […]
The Mississippi campaign attempting to get medical cannabis legalized in the state was sent a cease-and-desist order by President Donald Trump’s reelection […]
(This story will be updated up to Election Day with new polling data and other information relevant to the legalization initiatives detailed […]
Wildfires in the West have devastated a number of marijuana farms in Oregon, Washington state and California, while an early freeze hit […]
A recreational marijuana legalization ballot measure in Arizona got the final go-ahead, while a medical cannabis legalization initiative in Nebraska is fighting […]