September 1, 2020Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business Briefs, federal marijuana reform, Marijuana Legalization and Regulatory News for Cannabis Businesses, MORE Act, SAFE Banking Act, United States Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business News US House to take up cannabis descheduling bill week of Sept. 21 The MORE Act, a bill that would deschedule marijuana and thereby legalize it federally – with massive business implications – is scheduled […]
August 29, 2020Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business Briefs, David Mangone, federal marijuana reform, kamala harris, Marijuana Legalization and Regulatory News for Cannabis Businesses, MORE Act, SAFE Banking Act, United States Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business News Full US House poised to vote on cannabis descheduling in September The full US House is expected to vote next month on a sweeping reform bill that would remove marijuana from the Controlled […]