May 28, 2021analysis, analytics, Brad, Bradley, business, Business Analysis, california, cannabis, compliance, government, growing, HUB, HUB International, industry, insurance, insure, Jay Virdi, law, leader, legal, legalization, legalize, legislation, liability, license, management, marijuana, market, regulation, regulations, regulatory, risk, Rutt, safety, services, specialty, state HUB International Announces New Cannabis Specialty Leader HUB International, a leading insurance brokerage serving the cannabis industry, just announced today their new U.S. cannabis specialty leader. Bradley Rutt, senior […]
July 15, 2020analysis, analytics, business, Business Analysis, CANADA, cannabis, cbd, compliance, consumer, cultivation, Cultivation & Growing, dispensary, distribution, distributor, domestic, EU, europe, European, export, extraction, Federal, foreign, German, Germany, government, growing, import, importer, industry, insurance, insure, insurer, international, law, legal, legalization, legalize, legislation, license, licensed, licensee, licensing, marijuana, market, medical, medicine, patient, process, product, Product Development, Quality, regulation, regulations, regulatory, retail, safety, specialty, Standardization, state, test, thc, union Shakeups In The German Cannabis Market As Germany begins to enter a summer where life seems ever more normal, there are fairly major shakeups underway in the German […]