How Do You Know You’re Right? qPCR vs. Plating
Cannabis testing to detect microbial contamination is complicated. It may not be rocket science, but it is life science, which means it’s […]
Cannabis testing to detect microbial contamination is complicated. It may not be rocket science, but it is life science, which means it’s […]
As an emerging field in cannabis, contaminant testing remains a gray area for many businesses. The vast differences in state-by-state regulations, along […]
Medicinal Genomics announced today that they have received AOAC International certification for their PathoSEEK® Salmonella and STEC E. coli multiplex assay. In […]
Increasing cannabis use across the US has come with increased scrutiny of its health effects. Regulators and healthcare providers are not just […]
bioMérieux, a leader in the in vitro diagnostics space and a supporter of the cannabis testing market, announced last month that they […]