May 1, 2024adult-use cannabis, alcohol, e-cigarettes, legalization, recreational, Study, substance abuse, teen, Youth States with Adult-Use Pot Saw Decrease in Alcohol Use, No Increase in Teen Substance Abuse Legislation to legalize adult-use cannabis, as well as an increase in retail sales in Canada and the U.S. did not lead to […]
December 1, 2023Addiction, Australia, cannabis use, Dr Jack Wilson, Health, heroin, opioid use disorder, Opioids, Study, substance abuse, University of Sydney New Study Suggests Cannabis Does Not Help Opioid Use Disorder A long-term study on opioid addiction and cannabis use found little to no evidence that using cannabis can help addicts reduce or […]
November 13, 2023abstinence, alcohol use disorder, alcoholism, AUD, brain recovery, Health, Study, substance abuse Study Shows Significant Brain Recovery Following Alcohol Abstinence A study, published in August in the journal Alcohol, focused on how long-term abstinence can undo the effects of cortical thinning in […]