January 6, 2022Aldwin Anterola, analysis, analytics, analyze, appellation, biology, business, Business Analysis, california, cannabis, cbd, cell, CESC, chemical, chemist, chemistry, chromatography, Clinical Endocannabinoid System Consortium, Column, compliance, compound, consumer, county, cultivation, Culture, develop, development, dispensary, doctor, double, Dr, entrepreneur, extraction, Federal, flavonoid, flavor, gas, GC, GCxGC/MS, government, growing, hplc, illinois, industry, Jean Taleyran, John Abrams, lab, laboratories, Laboratories & Analytics, laboratory, labs, law, legal, legalization, legalize, legislation, Leo Welder, license, lignin, marijuana, market, medical, medicine, molecular, MS, PhD, product, professor, program, Quality, r&d, RC - Cannabis Analysis, recreational, regulation, regulations, regulatory, research, retail, safety, Santa Barbara, Science, scientific, smell, state, taste, Taxol, teaching, terpene, terpenes, terpenophenolics, test, Testing, thc, the dosing project, thiol, University, varietal, Veda, volatile A Conversation with the Founders of Veda Scientific: Part Two This is the second piece in a two-part conversation with the founders of Veda Scientific, CEO Leo Welder and CSO Aldwin M. […]