April 24, 2024All U.S., Briefs, Medical & Recreational, retail, Utah, Utah Department of Health & Human Services, Utah medical cannabis, Utah medical marijuana Utah medical marijuana patient count passes 83,000 Utah’s legal medical marijuana market now serves more than 83,000 patients, according to the latest monthly report from the state Department of […]
November 20, 2020Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business Briefs, Marijuana Cultivation News, United States Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business News, Utah Medical Cannabis Business & Marijuana Legal News, Utah medical marijuana Utah marijuana business licensing process biased, audit shows An investigation into the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, which regulates the state’s medical marijuana program, turned up problems with the […]
May 14, 2020Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business Briefs, Coronavirus, marijuana drive-thrus, United States Cannabis Industry & Marijuana Business News, Utah Marijuana, Utah Medical Cannabis Business & Marijuana Legal News, Utah medical marijuana Utah marijuana dispensaries prep for drive-thrus, delivery after state signoff The coronavirus – combined with an increase in new patient demand – has convinced Utah regulators to allow the state’s medical marijuana […]