February 20, 2024Addiction, cannabis use, Cocaine, crack, gateway, Harm Reduction, Health, meth, stimulants, Study, University of British Columbia, withdrawal Study: Cannabis May Be Effective Harm Reduction Tool To Ease Stimulant Cravings Despite the skewed messaging of the past suggesting that cannabis is a gateway drug or will lead to the use and abuse […]
August 25, 2023anxiety, Ativan, benzodiazepine, benzos, BZDs, Health, ketamine, Klonopin, Neuropsychopharmacology, Pharmaceuticals, pills, prescription drugs, Study, treatment-resistant depression, withdrawal, xanax Ketamine Shows Promise in Treating Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Sub-anesthetic ketamine infusions, which are already used for treatment-resistant depression (TRD), may also help people through benzodiazepine withdrawal, new research published in […]